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about aripiprazole -second-generation atypical antipsychotic dopamine-serotonin stabilizer. -mechanism of action of aripiprazole -the mechanism of action of aripiprazole in the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder is unknown. the proposed mechanism is that aripiprazole acts by combination of partial agonist activity at dopamine (d2) and serotonin (5ht1a) receptor and a potent antagonist at 5ht2a receptor. -aripiprazole also has an antagonist activity at alpha1 adrenergic receptors. -indications for aripiprazole -1.schizophrenia -2.bipolar disorder -interactions for aripiprazole -carbamazepine: it cause an increase in aripiprazole clearance and lower blood levels -ketoconazole quinidine fluoxetine paroxetine: they inhibt aripirazole elimination and cause increased blood levels.
تركيبة دواءاريببريكس 1مجم/مل محلول للفم 100 ملaripiprex 1mg/ml oral sol. 100 ml
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الشركة المنتجة لدواءاريببريكس 1مجم/مل محلول للفم 100 ملaripiprex 1mg/ml oral sol. 100 ml
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جرعة دواءاريببريكس 1مجم/مل محلول للفم 100 مل
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