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يستعمل دواء كارديوفاسك 10 مجم 10 قرصcardiovasc 10 mg 10 tab. antihypertensive.selective calcium channel blocker antihypertensive.selective calcium channel blocker
about amlodipine -calcium channel blocker anti hypertensive anti angina. - -mechanism of action of amlodipine -amlodipine is a second generation dihydropyridine ca channel blocker. it exerts it`s antihypertensive antianginal actions through blocking the influx of ca ions through voltage gated l-type ca channels to the peripheral vascular smooth muscle cells coronary smooth muscle cells and to the myocardial cells. thus causes dilatation of vascular endothelium decrease peripheral resistance & reduce myocardial oxygen demand .it markedly relax arterioles and milder effects on veins. they do not compromise haemodynamics and cerebral and renal perfusion. - -indications for amlodipine -1.hypertension -2.prinzmetal`s angina -3.stable angina
تركيبة دواءكارديوفاسك 10 مجم 10 قرصcardiovasc 10 mg 10 tab.
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جرعة دواءكارديوفاسك 10 مجم 10 قرص
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