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يستعمل دواء كونفنتين 300 مجم 30 كبسولةconventin 300mg 30 caps. anti-epileptic.gaba analogs anti-epileptic.gaba analogs
about gabapentin -a gaba analogue anticonvulsant mood stabilizer. - -mechanism of action of gabapentin -gabapentin is a gaba derivative and it bounds to lipophilic molecule. the mechanism of action of gabapentin is not exactly known. it crosses blood brain barrier and enhances release of gaba. - -indications for gabapentin -1.antiepileptic(treatment of partial seizure) -2.treatment of neuropathic pain - -typical dosage for gabapentin -adult: initial dose: 300 mg / day increase the dose by 300 mg/day for next 2 days (up to 900 mg / day in 3 divided doses). thereafter increase the dose until sufficient therapeutic response is obtained. -maintenance dose: 900-1800mg /day in 3 divided doses -maximum dose: 3.6 g /day -children above 12 years: 10mg / kg / day in 3 divided doses then gradually increase the dose until sufficient therapeutic response is obtained.
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جرعة دواءكونفنتين 300 مجم 30 كبسولة
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