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يستعمل دواء موتينورم 60مجم لبوسmotinorm 60mg supp. (cancelled) antiemetic antiemetic
about domperidone -antidopaminergic motility stimulant piperidine derivative antiemetic anti-vertigo. -mechanism of action of domperidone -domperidone is a potent dopamine receptor antagonist. it acts centrally and blocks the dopamine receptor in the chemoreceptor trigger zone and produces antiemetic effect. -domperidone acts peripherally in the gastrointestinal system and increases oesophageal peristalsis oesophageal sphincter pressure and gastric motility. these all facilitates gastric emptying. domperidone is used in migraine to relieve nausea and vomiting. -anaesthetic adjuncts: it is used preoperatively in order to reduce the post operative vomiting. - -indications for domperidone -1.nausea and vomiting associated with gastrointestinal disorder and migraine. -2.delayed gastric emptying of functional origin -3.as an antiemetic in patient receiving cytotoxic drugs -4.preanaesthetic medication
تركيبة دواءموتينورم 60مجم لبوسmotinorm 60mg supp. (cancelled)
يتركب هذا الدواء من :domperidone
الشركة المنتجة لدواءموتينورم 60مجم لبوسmotinorm 60mg supp. (cancelled)
هذا الدواء من انتاج شركة glaxo smithkline
جرعة دواءموتينورم 60مجم لبوس
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