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يستعمل دواء تريبتوفيم 0.1مجم/مل 6 سرنجات معبأةtriptofem 0.1mg/ml 6 pref. syringes gnrh agonist gnrh agonist
about triptorelin -gnrh agonist synthetic lh releasing hormone (lhrh) analog antineoplastic. -mechanism of action of triptorelin -triptorelin is an gnrh agonist. hypothalamus releases lhrh to the pituitary gland. the gland releases luteinizing hormone to the testicle which releases testosterone. triptorelin stops release of lh from pituitary gland and reduces the release of testosterone (testosterone is responsible for the growth and multiplication of prostate cancer cells). reduction of testosterone level will slows down the spreading of prostate cancer to other parts of the body. -indications for triptorelin -prostate cancer -typical dosage for triptorelin -adult: 3mg injection (im) every 28days or 11.25mg every 3months
تركيبة دواءتريبتوفيم 0.1مجم/مل 6 سرنجات معبأةtriptofem 0.1mg/ml 6 pref. syringes
يتركب هذا الدواء من :triptorelin acetate
الشركة المنتجة لدواءتريبتوفيم 0.1مجم/مل 6 سرنجات معبأةtriptofem 0.1mg/ml 6 pref. syringes
هذا الدواء من انتاج شركة alfasigma > habib scientific office
جرعة دواءتريبتوفيم 0.1مجم/مل 6 سرنجات معبأة
Welcome to Dlildwa, specifically the page of triptofem 0.1mg/ml 6 pref. syringes.
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