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يستعمل دواء بيتافال سي مرهم 15 جمbetaval-c oint. 15 gm . .
this cream and ointment are used in short courses to treat inflammatory skin conditions such as those listed below when milder corticosteroids have not been effective and when the condition is either already infected or likely to become infected. -eczema of various types. -skin inflammation due to allergies or irritants (allergic contact dermatitis or irritant contact dermatitis). -inflammatory skin condition with greasy red and scaly areas (seborrhoeic dermatitis). -psoriasis. -thickened skin rash caused by excessive scratching to relieve itching (neurodermatitis eg lichen simplex). -an eruption of hard nodules in the skin accompanied by intense itching (prurigo nodularis). -skin disorder causing a flat itchy violet rash usually on the wrists shins lower back and genitals (lichen planus). -inflammatory skin disease known as discoid lupus erythematosus (dle). -intense and widespread reddening of the skin (generalised erythroderma) in combination with oral or injected corticost
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جرعة دواءبيتافال سي مرهم 15 جم
Welcome to Dlildwa, specifically the page of betaval-c oint. 15 gm.
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