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يستعمل دواء فينوبروفين 300 مجم 30 كبسولةfenoprofen 300mg 30 caps. nsaid.propionic acid derivatives nsaid.propionic acid derivatives
description -an anti-inflammatory analgesic and antipyretic highly bound to plasma proteins. it is pharmacologically similar to aspirin but causes less gastrointestinal bleeding. - -indication -for relief of the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. also for the relief of mild to moderate pain. - -mechanism of action -fenoprofen s exact mode of action is unknown but it is thought that prostaglandin synthetase inhibition is involved. fenoprofen has been shown to inhibit prostaglandin synthetase isolated from bovine seminal vesicles.
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جرعة دواءفينوبروفين 300 مجم 30 كبسولة
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